This page is dedicate to the Contributors of The Theory of Everything. Anyone can send an article to this page and it will be posted, plus you will be allowed to make changes to the article at any time by emailing the new wording to our Webmaster. Articles that relate to subject matter presently on INTS will be linked accordingly from the appropriate page. Statements that contain Profanity and Bigotry will be edited out. Obvious spelling and syntax errors will also edited out. So sit down and compose your own TOE and send it to our email, but don’t expect it to pop up instantly as it does on ToeQuest because INTS does not have interactive software just yet and may never. 1000 to 2000 words may be used but the most effective articles are much shorter than that. Few people will take the time to read a lengthy article. Consider point form or include a wave file so that the reader may opt to listen to your voice while they do the dishes. We have considerable space for the text but limited space for wav or movie files. Save at a bit rate 88kbps on mono or it will be chopped accordingly (just record it and send as it is and we will adjust it). Movies are subject to space consideration and may not be accepted. Better to link movies from your own space. Jpgs, Bmps, Pngs and Gifs may be added but may undergo some processing to reduce weight and size but not quality. The Title of your contribution will be one that reflects the content, chosen by INTS plus the title that you give or the original gallery that it came from, (eg Math and Quantum Physics/Cyclical Universe an unconventional theory) by Name/nic. The background will be the one used here unless you request otherwise. Have Fun! These are the Toe Articles that have been offered to NS to Date Chaos/who are the Prigoginians? Antoniolao - 01-30-2006, 01:34 PM On To the Real TOE Austin P Torney/ The TOE of Being and Reality Austin P Torney/ Re: T.o.N. (Theory of Nothing) Austin P Torney/ Austin P Torney/ Science-versus-god Austin P Torney/ Carpe-diem The Trouble with Strings Austin P Torney/ Jan 03, 2008 03:10 AM The Earth is NOT Moving by Marshall Hall Jan 28, 2008 Drifter Poetic Quotes (Theory of Nothing) Drifter - 08:05 AM Jan 01 2008 In Search of a Cyclops by Fredrick Schermer Jan 14, 2008 The Mest Theory Of Everything Published by BABU GAUTAM 06-19-2007 The History of the TOE Fr. Kazimierz Kubat SDS 05-13-2005 Mechanical Awakening Melanie 01, 18 2008 Imagine Melanie 01, 31 2008 Don’t Worry Be Happy Melanie 02, 01 2008 HyperGeometrical Cosmology HyperGeometrical Cosmology 07-12-2006 Math and Quantum Physics/Cyclical Universe an Unconventional Theory Michael Noonan /Sentient Marine - Dec 23 2007 More Math and Quantum Physics/Cyclical Universe an Unconventional Theory Michael Noonan /Sentient Marine - Dec 24 2007 Converting Mass to Energy Michael Noonan /Sentient Marine - 03:43 AM Jan5 2008 Conventional Science Michael Noonan /Sentient Marine - Dec 28, 2007, 02:04 AM Funny Old World Michael Noonan /Sentient Marine - Dec 30 2007, 09:06 AM Cyclical Universe Michael Noonan /Sentient Marine - 12-29-2007, 07:57 AM The General Theory Club Serge Patlavskiy 08-30-2004, 11:39 AM The Meaning of Planck’s Constant Ted Jaeckel Jan 12, 2008 Thought: The missing force By Ted Twietmeyer 07-22-2006, 06:43 PM What is the Root of all Evil - Tina These are the Namron Soar Toe Articles that have been posted in ToeQuest to Date Theory of Consciousness Jan 2, 2008 All Answers 12-21-2007, 12:50 AM A Message From God 12-24-2007, 12:14 AM Anti-Theory meets String-Theory 12-09-2006, 06:18 PM The barrier of the senses 05-26-2005, 02:12 PM Reality Orb 05-26-2005, 01:36 PM Mental vs Material 05-26-2005, 12:46 PM First Post Laws of Reality 12-23-2005, 03:58 PM |
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