Sadly Grandma Ruby is no longer with us but her Spirit lives on and so does her garden as well as her passion 
for art in three generations of subsequent artists. Her oldest son Ross, his youngest daughter Tara and her 
sister Misti’s daughter Ruby (the second) all have the natural talent for design and the desire to do artsy 
things. She opened the first Hobby shop in Thunder Bay, originally called "Ryry Arts" named after the two founders 
Ruby and her Friend Iris McMullin and later renamed it "Ruby’s Creative Arts" and all family members were employed on 
it’s success. Floral Bouquets and Figurines were the mainstay but Boys hobbies such as Model Airplane Building were 
also available. The business began in 1948 and never really stopped. Her hobby stock is still being used today and now 
she is online, in spirit only but as strong as ever. She had a wonderful influence over all she met, made many 
mosaic artpiece’s in local buildings, began the first Art Club, locally, that still operates and painted in oils 
and other media all over the region. Her greatest claim to fame was her ability to teach without imposing any 
authority, thereby making the experience entirely enjoyable. She pioneered the TV media in the early days with a 
program called Ruby’s Craft hour so you could watch Mom every Saturday on the box. Norm and Ruby lived out their 
final years at the end of Lakeshore Drive and kept up the Cottage on Floral Beach at the same time.
This page is called Ruby’s Garden in her honor because of her love of plants. 

Her gardens have been kept at the cottage shown in Garden One and Garden Two Galleries.
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Garden Gallery One    Garden Gallery Two ~See Ruby’s Creative Arts~    ~Norm’s Personal Album~
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