Namron Soar.Com welcomes you to:

The Institute of Non-Theoretical Science

Site Map The Gang Ruby's Store Email Me Rufus HTML Services
Established Sept 12, 2006
Cottage, Institute, Studio   Dedication: This University is dedicated to both Ruby’s, Norm and Gabriel.

  Purpose: To redefine present planetary stewardship practices and engender tolerance and care for all.

    Constitution: Without charter, without precedent and few staff but not without purpose.  Constitution

  Non-Theoretical and Non-Theological discussion and study   Our Ecumenical Practice  and  Our Non-Theoretical Practice

No Need to get Cancer pix and Wash away Your Troubles
The Boast   Have You been alarmed by the fantastic increases in these diseases?

  Would You like to know how some Populations avoid them? Would you like to be introduced to the cure for these diseases and a veritable fountain of youth?

    We’ve been living in the shadow of the BIG Brother commercial values system but now Namron Soar brings you the cure Here to read article.

Curriculum for Fall 2006 Semester
"Lectures by Prof Soar"
Well how about a tribute instead
   Tribute to Dr David Suzuki
"Sign up for newsletters"     INTS wishes to bestow a Tribute on Doctor David Suzuki.

  Thanks for the work you have done and continue to do. It is our hope that your warnings will be heeded. We are dedicated to that end. Click on picture to go to His Site

   Tribute to Wendy Mesley
"Related Stories"     Read Wendy’s Personal account of her struggle with breast cancer here

  These news stories have been copied from the web so that they will continue to be available. Use the link on her picture to view. This is a very slow link so the appropriate stories will be available here soon.

   Tribute to Stephen Lewis
"Please visit and help out     Stephen is the very definition of altruism, His work in Africa on our behalf, as Canadians does us proud.

  It is for men like him that we can be thankful. He has touched our hearts with the suffering of African Aids victims and deserves our assistance. Click on pix to view Stephen’s site.

   Tribute to Oomama
"Visit and Join"     Grandmother’s helping Grandmother’s (Oomama) is a group of Toronto based women that are assisting Stephen Lewis in fund raising to help the broken generations of aids victims in Africa.

  INTS thanks you and countless others that feel that life is not complete until you begin to help the less fortunate of this Earth. Click pix to see Oomama site.

Enrollment, Tuition and Graduation
   Students of Free-Thinking cannot be proffered paper accolades, therefore grades, tests and diplomas have  no place here.

   The information within this Institute is designed nonetheless to teach and as such is a bona-fide place of learning and interaction.

"Join and Contribute"

   Unfortunately some of the topics are unavailable at a highschool or public school level but many are and a few even display some humor.

   To join you may either contribute to the knowledge base, further it’s goals or donate.

These Links are a Direct connection to all Institute Documents
About the Institute  Constitution  Ecumenity  What is Non-Theory?  Curriculum  Practical Non-Theory
Efficiency of Machines  Distribution and Production  Commercial Exchange  Oxymorons and Other Papers
What about Kyoto?  Rant about Garbage  Global Handbook  Mainstream Science  Remember Hippies?
Free Thinking  Optomism  Add Your Effort  Donate  David Suzuki Site
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Stuff made of Steel Ceramics and Art Eskimo Kayak pix
Finally Done! Figures Free Individual Websites
Z28 Camaro Drag Car Ceramic Figures etc For the Reader
6 Bike Galleries The Studio and Views Clean Air Anyone?
Rebuilding a 1969 Lotus Ruby's Garden and Personal Page Sitemap plus Hints and History
The Best Flames Everyone has One The NS-Rufus Station
Pix of Local Hotrods Kayak gets a Sail Still Pix that Move
Garage with a Treehouse Recurve Bow Project Rufe's Old Metal
The Perfect Machine For The Grandkids 2 Pretty to Ride
English Machine Velocette The Beautiful Royal Enfield More English Bikes
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