Non-Theory or anti-theory ID 729 Non~ Aug 10 2006
Science is fraught with theories. Religion provides theologies and opinions are everywhere. How far can you take a scientific approach toward understanding of anything with only non-theory? The idea that non-theory or anti-theory is just another theoretical method is discussed in the introduction to "Oxymoron" and for this discussion we will accept that even something called non-theoretical is still theoretical. "Everything is an assumption of some kind" NS
As far as the Institution is concerned, the type of thinking involved here should have no corporate, political or religious affiliation. By the same token, all unproved scientific theories should also be avoided. This does not mean that they may not be discussed or included as examples or even touted by opponents to the very idea of non-theory. A true place of learning can accommodate all opinions and to that end we do strive. Perhaps the most basic theoretical question is of our origin. It might seem to the novice that everything is theoretical and however we came to be, would involve such primal and basic forces that the human mind would not be able to grasp it. A statement like that would seem to be quite theoretical and yet, how much theory is involved to say that we do not understand everything and probably never will? That is the basis for anti-theory. It is not theoretical that we exist because we can easily recognize that. Also our ability to understand everything is limited because our creation depends on a balance between our existence and our non-existence and during such a transition, if one ever took place, probably no human mind could function but then that, in itself, is theoretical.
» We exist
» We will never know everything
» We were created by evolution of matter
» We were created by divine design
» We were created by a combination of those two
As you can see by these two lists there are definite differences between approaches. The first only states what is painfully obvious and the second makes vain attempts to explain the first. Abandonment of this type of conjecture can lead to some very surprising results, especially as it pertains to practical non-theory but that is another subject entirely.
~More developed non-theory~
» All theory, ideas and considerations are strictly a mental thing and involve only humans.
» No theory has ever been proved beyond that of technical results. (now this is a shocker..
why do all theories and theologies seem destined to be forever unproved?)
» All theories are based on the principle that matter exists. (perhaps that should read
"mainstream theories" and "matter exists when or if humans do not" and refer
only to science and not theology.)
» Non-theory and anti-theory do not assume that matter exists beyond human appreciation of it.
~More developed theory~
» Supersymmetery, String theory, M-theory will lead to an explanation of gravity and the
unification of all scientific theories.
» Matter and Energy are two distinct entities and will some day be separated.
» Our Sun is some form of nuclear reaction.
It isn’t up to non-theory to say that the last list is false in it’s assumptions. Scientific theories like these have led to a wide variety of breakthroughs and as the inquisitive animals that we are, we will continue to prod all possible avenues toward whatever goal intended. However while we are so studious in the pursuit of the almighty quark we have neglected the simplest of matters here on earth. Those might include things like feeding our populace, controlling it’s proliferation and recently, the global warming problem.
Try to put aside this tenuous balance and realize that specific religious theologies are doing no service to the solving of our problems short of certain philanthropic efforts to feed the poor etc. These are quite helpful to humanity in general but fall short when one denomination tries to supersede another and is the cause of much strife throughout history. Seeking the truth in matters concerning environment needs to be separated not only from Church and State but also from commercial influence. These are the obvious valuable points of non-theory and also the most practical approach to divining our course in this millennium.
-end of session one-
Question: Do you think this approach has merit or is political, commercial and religious input so important that it cannot be removed as we consider any issues regarding life?
A continuance of the study of Dimesions beyond the basic Three
Nontheory ID 1251 Dim~ June 20 2006
If all known theoretical and theological insights are discarded then what is left might be called nontheory. The only information remaining would be what is directly seen or sensed and the logic extrapolated from these observations would likely be quite reliable as a method of explaining life and our collective origin. Finding ways of understanding life itself is probably a reasonable expectation of such an undertaking using nontheory but our origin may not be something that can simply be put into words since it may involve conditions that are well beyond our limited comprehension.
The Dimensions of nontheory
From the observations of humans we can see that there are various states that we live in. The dream state, the waking state and the state of thought. It is observed that one may seem to be simultaneously occupied by a variety of matters but in fact we are only able to have one point of concentration at a time and become oblivious to everything else until our attention turns to another thing. This field of observation may be a complex matter such as the ongoing vista of a large movie screen for example. It is noticed that there is only one point of concentration on this screen at a time and it can move so rapidly that one gets the feeling that the entire screen is being absorbed but careful attention will reveal that this is not the case. One scans with a point of interest and is utterly limited to that point no matter how rapidly it may be changed. There seems to be a continual overview of the events but it is easy to miss many points or elements of the movie if the eye has not concentrated on those particular events.
For the sake of this consideration we will call it; the point of interest and since it is lineal, we will call that; the line of interest. The apparent overview we will refer to as; ambient appreciation. When we are deep in thought or even marginally in thought we become oblivious to the real world thus the state of thought is quite different from the real world waking state. When we dream we may slip into this state as our dream leads us to some choice that must be considered. When we are awake we constantly consider events and make decisions and the state of thought is more obvious. At this point it is difficult to decide if thinking alone could be considered separate from either dreaming or wakefulness, because it is essential in both states.
Dimensions have been referred to in a variety of ways, in the past, but in this quest they are the basic descriptions of the elements that go to make up life as we know it. What could be considered the first dimension would be that of shape. This is mentioned first because if one were to remove all sensory stimulants and consider being completely deprived of all light and sound the first apparent condition would be the shape of some contrasting light in the field of vision. Any change in the complete blackness of the observed field would have some kind of shape. One could also consider a sound to be the first dimension but we will list that later as vision seems to be quite primary. The order of dimensions is unimportant at this point so we will continue in this vein.
Shape could also be considered the polar dimensions of light and dark. These would, in essence, consist of length and width no matter how complex and may show some apparent volume thus giving way to depth. Numbering these dimensions could be difficult given semantics. Next would be the added dimension of color and could be considered a variety of dimensions in itself or perhaps another polar dimension ranging from the combination of dark colors beginning at black to the lightest colors ending at pure white.
Motion would probably be added as a dimension immediately following shape but again the order is largely conjectural at this point. This too would be polar, ranging from motionless to rapid.
Now with shape, motion and color we have the complete description of all the dimensions of sight so the dimensions of the other senses could then be added. The polarity of sound from quiet to loud and the panorama of sound from the variety of sounds possible might lead to identifying other dimensions within sound itself. This could be a complex consideration but we will leave sound as a single dimension. Obviously the smell and taste of something would add further description to objects or experiences.
Every time we add a new way of describing life, we add another dimension. If there is no way of describing something with the dimensions that we have and a new quality is evident, that is another added dimension. A blade of grass, for example would have shape, color and motion. If it were in motion, such as in the wind, it would have sound. It would also have a taste and smell that distinguishes it. It would have a tactile feel or a response to touch that would be distinct as well. We refer to this sense as touch and could only be categorized as panoramic and not polar. For this consideration we will refer to tactile experience as a single dimension.
The responses that our senses have to a blade of grass would almost completely describe it, except for one small detail that cannot be included by simple sensual description. The dimension of sexuality must be added. Even blades of grass, as with all living things, have a sexual dimension that further describes their existence. This could also be referred to as a life dimension. Is a thing living or dead? If it is living it has a sexual dimension. If it is dead it may be considered to have a dimension of deterioration. All these things are conjectural in terms of categorization, but in terms of nontheory they are facts and need no theoretical ideas to be appreciated.
As humans we have the ability to think and even if there are a multitude of explanations as to just how we do this, we are quite positive that we indeed are capable of thought. All of the previous attributes that we have been calling dimensions describe the human to a tee except for the fact that included with this human is a thought process. Generally our present agreement would not ascribe this ability to a blade of grass but just as generally we ascribe this ability to a horse, cat or dog. Trying to decide whether this ability to think is possessed by a gnat is not part of nontheory. Likewise with cats and dogs. We do not know whether they can think or not. We may be utterly convinced and can offer multitudes of seeming irrefutable proof but the fact is we only know that we are able to think.
Thinking humans have at least two dimensions of thought. Waking reality and sleeping reality are most obvious but thought itself may be a third. None of these describe the further dimension of hallucination be it drug induced or otherwise. Those that experience drug induced hallucination find it to be well beyond the states of normal thought processes and can be considered yet another dimension. It combines the real thought process of wakefulness and the inconsistencies of dreaming.
End of Session One
These thoughts are only partly fleshed out and may be completely rewritten.