~~~~~Source Code of the Old Docs is in .rtf (rich text) format~~~~~

This is Our Keepsake History Page     ~     Scroll to bottom to view   Hits Stats

Who Cares about Rufe’s History?

Well... Probably nobody except us! But who cares. It’s nice to look back at the old pages and even the ones that never made it. If you find your styling changing over time you might like to do the same thing so you can go back and say ..Damn! that was bad.

Below the pages (which are listed most ancient first) is a more detailed history of the updates of both RealRufus and NamronSoar dot coms. A shorter version is found on the ’site tips’ page.

The Historic indexes can also be appreciated by viewing the source code click on ’View’ then ’Source’ (.rtf docs). The No-touch indexes below show the original code and the ones above show the modified compliant code. (The no-touch indexes may not render on your machine and are only supplied to vue the old ’Source’.) The links are all re-attached but not on the no-touch indexes and they may render as incomplete html, I can’t figure this out but only intend to save the original code just to remind myself of how wrong it was.

The Original Human Form    Here   1996 to March 1, 2006 - no-touch-index    Click Source

Tendrills Human Form Index    Here   was never used. - no-touch-index    Click Source

The First Namron Soar Index    Here   - no-touch-index    Click Source

The Second Namron Soar Index    Here   - no-touch-index    Click Source

The First Index Plain    Here   - no-touch-index    Click Source

The Java Real Rufus Index    Here   - no-touch-index    Click Source

The Java-Veggie Namron Soar Index    Here   - no-touch-index    Click Source

The Last Full Index Plain    Here   - no-touch-index    Click Source

RR Site Completed 1317 Hits   RealRufus Index Jan 30 2008

NS Site Completed 1480 Hits   NamronSoar Index Jan 30 2008

NS Site Completed Plain Copy   NamronSoar Plain Index Jan 30 2008

This Table shows the increasing size of both Sites and Dates associated

MegaBytes are listed as size/web space available

Date NamronSoar.com RealRufus.Com Hits
D-Mo-Yr MegaBytes Files Folders Html Docs MegaBytes Files Folders Html Docs NS/RR
3-14-06 96.4 Hosting 2427 41 42 Not Open Not Open Not Open None n/a-n/a
x-x-x 573 Hosting 1097 50 51 Not Open Not Open Not Open None n/a-n/a
1-08-07 64.4 ISP 1103 42 40 210 Hosting 4032 64 60 n/a-n/a
3-31-07 11 /50 318 40 41 402 /750 6178 154 70 n/a-n/a
9-04-07 n/a n/a n/a n/a 671 7800 92 88 n/a-n/a
9-11-07 n/a n/a n/a n/a 673 7856 92 75 n/a-n/a
09-21-07 n/a n/a n/a n/a 512/1500 8634 78 75 n/a-n/a
10-15-07 25 /50 362 40 91 638 8768 79 75 n/a-n/a
9-29-07 33 500 42 91 638 8768 79 75 n/a-n/a
1-11-08 36 565 23 158 703/1500 9577 121 137 n/a-n/a
1-24-08 39.4/50 629 26 177 753/1500 10471 130 145 n/a-n/a
1-30-08 40.2/50 680 25 217 759/1500 10670 138 155 1480/1317
4-12-08 *42.1/50 722 23 **335 864/1500 11745 146 158 1623/1367
5-14-08 *42.2/50 723 23 ***237 981/3000 13156 164 ***269 1882/1543
9-26-08 *43.6/50 733 23 ***238 990/3000 13402 169 ***406 2927/2112
Date Continuing Chart showing Combined Stats Hits
D-Mo-Yr NS Megs RR Megs Total Files NS/RR/Both Folders Html Docs NS/RR/Both Fig
26-09-08 43.5/50 990/3000 1034 mg 733/13402/14135 23/169/192 both 675 2927/2112/5039 222
31-12-08 47.0/50 1.16g/3g 1.21g 729/14314/15143 22/180/202 both 1109 4618/3376/7994 477
31-03-09 47.0/50 1.19g/3g 1.66g 733/14738/15472 22/187/209 both 1455 4950/5812/10762 538
Date Continuing Chart showing New Allotment Stats (See Notes) Hits
D-Mo-Yr NS Megs RR Megs Total Files NS/RR/Both Folders Html Docs NS/RR/Both Fig
30-06-08 522/3050 757/3050 1034 mg 4240/11,305/15,545 70/146/216 both 1465 5393/10,103/15,496 593
Date Continuing Chart showing NS, RR and new Fig.com Hits
D-Mo-Yr NS Megs RR Megs Fig Megs Files NS/RR/Fig/All Folders Html Docs NS/RR/Fig All
31-10-09 #417/6050 #1358/6050 #235/3000 3260/11,363/1578/16,201 53/149/21 all 1544 11,031/11,413/1446 23,890

Notes: 4-12-08 row *50 meg space for NS is full.
**This is the first time NS html docs have been counted on the RR site and added to this total. 
***Probably about half of the Html docs in RR are actually NS docs and accessed through NS.com.
The new site Figmentalim.com has been added with a hosting of 3000 megs.
Undulations in graphs below are largely due to shift of reporting proceedure for stats. NS docs and mp3 files stored on 
RR are now counted as NS stats. Fig stats are no longer on NS being moved to new site Fig.Com
#All .wav files on three sites were changed to mp3 reducing megs

Many Thanks to Statcounter.Com for their Free Service keeping track of our hits, Remember to keep a blocking cookie for your stat counter so you don’t count every time you go to your own site.

 ~These Feature Galleries lead to other Sub-galleries~
The Gang  The Institute  Written Articles  Froggy & Cats  Eye Puzzlez  Web Design and Development
Ruby’s Creative Arts  Ruby’s Garden  Ceramics  Decorator~Designs~Vessels  Studio  Kayaks & Trimaran
Norm’s Custom Shop  Digital Photo Gallery  Garage-Studio  Bicycles  Lotus  Motorcycles  Zdravko Z28  
Email is to webmaster nsoar@tbaytel.net

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