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Many Hints and Good Practices are found in ’Lessons’

What the heck is Html?

Hypertext Markup Language is both a language and a code. It simply tells your computer what is on the web page you are looking at. An example of the code is found here. The best way to learn Html is to try and understand what you are doing first and then learn the code. The biggest problem that I found when I began to learn anything was trying to understand what the teacher was talking about. In math class the teacher rambled on for months about the rules of trigonometry but never bothered to tell us what it was. Html is a way of writing ordinary words and a few symbols that describe the background of your webpage, where to put the pictures and their exact size, what type of fonts you want and the wording of the written parts. Also Html will instruct visiting computers where to find the pictures on your page and how they are to be displayed.

Learning the fine details of Html is best done with a web based free teaching site like Html net or Dave’s site or possibly with the help files in your editor. Download two or three free Html editors so you can get a good idea of what they are because you will be using them a lot and need to get very comfortable with them. I usually suggest Homesite 5.5 but it’s really no longer available unless you know how to use Bitcomet which is peer to peer file sharing. Learn how to install software and shareware if you don’t already know and don’t expect your website to be perfect the first time you write it. The following is an outline of various topics that you need to practice while learning coding. Also you will find some reference to topics that aren’t under any of the above buttons.

Html is an easy going code that will render (come up in the browser) no matter how many mistakes you make but don’t rely on that. Learn to validate both your code and your css using the web-based service that controls the language and also use the validator in your editor (don’t bother with an editor that has none). Continuing on with the "V" words; Verify your links every time you complete a page. It is necessary to use dot, dot, slash (../) to raise any address from a lower folder. Verifying your links is an art in itself and you will have to work this out or your page will have dead links.

In the same vein you will need a complete filing system for your page that looks like this and it will be applied to the web and look like this in your ftp program. You will notice that the folders in the local view (ie your computer) are called AApage (in this case) and ’Public’ on the ISP (internet service provider) webspace (only if using hosting). The folders in your computer exactly match the setup of folders on the ISP and the organization of them has to be perfect because the referencing of the links will depend on it. The folders have levels seen in the ’local’ view that are also present in the remote view but have to be expanded to be seen. These levels or hierarchy are where you will need to use the ../ addressing to accomplish a proper link. If you are two levels down in an html page that calls for a file in the top level the address will look like this: ../../some-folder/some-file or in the case of AApage; ../../norms/auto.jpg when addressed from an html file in the folder called Spring. This is very difficult to explain in a way that the novice can understand but You Must be able to do it so find out what the heck I’m talking about.

If you got this far and need special help then just email us and someone will kindly respond and we will add the info to this site. Two very important things are required for an html page to be validated: One is at the very top of the page before the <HTML> and is called the Doctype Declaration. Google ’help’ on this subject or use this one here if you are having trouble deciding. Also notice the Charset which is UTF-8 and can be used should you have problems deciding. Meta tags will need your own personal info on them but can be used like they are shown. Style Page access is always displayed next to the TITLE of the page.

This page is under development as we speak and will be completed within a week. Email for any help in the mean time.

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