First Post Laws of Reality - 12-23-2005, 03:58 PM

About six months ago I posted a rudimentary TOE and have since completed it to the point that I now have a website dedicated to what I have called "Figmentalism". The term is little used and I have employed it to refer to the age-old clash between artists/poets and scientists. For some reason this discussion was called Idealism vs Realism but I find the former to be a poor description of the point of view of say, Plato and many others, so I have taken the liberty to rename it.

There is a resurgence, lately, of Idealists/Figmentalists and even scientists have come to realize that nothing can be studied without affecting the outcome of the experiment by human intervention. Simply put Figmentalism states that we (humanity) were not derived from insentient matter, but the reverse is the case. Collectively we create the reality we experience and presently all of science supports this theory by default. Reality has not been proved and matter has not been separated from energy as was expected with the use of cyclotrons. What has been referred to as quarks simply decay and leave no physical trace, therefore it is obvious that matter equals energy and our present concept of the two is quite incorrect.

Realizing that matter, itself, does not exist independently of human concept has caused "The Laws of Reality" to be written, finally. There are probably some minor errors in these laws but generally they is no real argument against them. They encompass the one an only TOE that will eventually be adopted by all. Beyond this there remains almost as many questions as before, but this is a good foundation toward the understanding of reality.

The Laws of Reality

All of reality including time is utterly elastic.

All of reality is collectively generated by the living and non-living mass of nature.

Time is only a concept and can have no beginning nor end.

The universe is composed of solid, liquid and gaseous objects that have no intrinsic constituent of matter.

Existence must have a balance with non-existence. (this is the fundamental paradox law and can be said in reverse.)

A thing must be able to both exist and not exist at the same time. (simultaneously)

Any event or combination of events must be possible without the need of matter of any kind.

The mind appreciates the Earth and is the Earth.

The Cosmos are created of apparency.

It should be mentioned that Plato was the first Idealist (recorded) and figmentalism is just another word for that concept (without all the bs involved). I believe that the realists (those that believe and tout that material came before us) are the ones that caused the term ’Idealism’ to become so nebulous.

Figmentalism isn’t really a belief so much as being the idea of not believing in matter-borne reality. I see the things about me and know them as projections of our collective mind, not things that have created us.

Ross N R Owen

Namron Soar

Rufus the most evil .........................{Go(o)d plus (D)evil}

God ..............................................(if we create our own destiny)

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