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The Origin of the Universe and all it Contains Aug 08, 2009 I.D. 1601
You may ask yourself from time to time how you came to be designed the way you are with two arms and all. Well it relates back to you as a baby, becoming cognizant slowly and gradually. Our condition requires that we have a protector to nurture us as we slowly begin to make sense of the sound and sight available. This is no less than the birth of the entire Universe and how much of it is newly designed each time we reawaken is unknown and unraveling this mystery may take much effort if it can be fathomed at all. Unlike the theorists that dominate our collective cultures in whose’ theorys we deteriorate physically and eventually cease to function as a living being, Figmentalism states that since we do not have anything that can deteriorate, namely matter or to be precise a material body, we therefore do not really have the ability to die. We have the ability to see ourselves age and go through apparent death but it is nothing more than the act of forgetting your previous life and immediately beginning anew and there is nothing to say that it will be as a human or that it will be within this Universe. The word Universe means ’All’ and whatever one you wind up in is your everything and there is no way of recognizing another universe or for that matter another person. This is the philosophy of ’Solipsism’ on the scale of a Universe. Solipsism is a philosophy that says that one individual cannot truly know the mind of another and this would apply to Universes too. Even if one came up to you with a sign that said "Hi, I’m another Universe" you would still be stuck wondering if it’s all just in your imagination. Learn to understand this fully because it is quite unlike most Idealist Philosophies and definitely unlike Figmentalism in that the collective mind and being encompasses all humans and in fact all creatures and things, even rocks. We tend to think of our minds as being part of our head, namely our brain, but if nothing exists then we don’t have even the back of our head let alone some gray matter within. If I’m loosing you again with what sounds like some far fetched diatribe similar to the statement that "you are not standing on an earth" which I made previously then get a grip because it’s going to be a long bumpy ride. You can’t die, you don’t have a brain, your standing inside a globe not on one and you created the Universe including the view of every galaxy that the Hubble telescope has discovered.
So that makes you God. Well you could look at it that way but before you start to shine up your halo try to alter the weather to your every whim and you will realize that being God makes you just as helpless as the rest of us because you have already given up the ability to be omnipotent simply by being human. We can’t control anything to any great degree because if we could we would burn up and die far too quickly. If you could do anything you wanted all the time and nothing was beyond your control you would be bored within a day and age very rapidly. Life is almost impossible and we are delicate creatures that cannot control nature or others and all these things operate on some kind of random generator each to it’s own. If you try to do something and you don’t expect it to turn out perfectly, it won’t. If you have practiced a skill many times until you are good at it, say darts for example you may find yourself doing very poorly against someone you are intimidated by. What you expect is what happens but not in a perfect sense. You could be a rank amateur at darts and easily beat the champion either because you thought you could or the randomness of life just kicked in. As you learn figmentalism you will begin to see that certain randomness is altered and you become more in control but don’t get cocky because you can still bump your head. Optimism or Positive Thinking is talked about a lot and many swear by it but it only relates to your figmental attitude and what you expect to transpire. Who knows what our potential abilities really are?
What you see around you and what you hear plus all your other senses is your actual brain or should I say your mind. When there is no matter there is no storage or processing system within the scull and no synapses or neurons even though the doctors can operate on them. They are just seeing your brain in a scan and it’s all related to their experience. From your perspective you may even look at the scans or photo’s of your own brain that was being operated on, but it still does not exist so don’t be confused by this. There is no material to make the Universe out of, let alone your brain so it just must not exist and that may be a bit hard to swallow. It exists in the sense that you have individual thoughts, dreams, aspirations and secrets but nothing can be stored in it that has anything remotely to do with physics or physiology. Memory is one giant mystery and must be nothing more than an illusion since no storage device can be constructed without matter to allow it. This very thing is an ongoing quest but how much can be discovered about it is unknown. Thought is the only process and must be so because there is no way to construct matter from nothing and "Existence must have a balance with Non-Existence" (that is the fundamental law of reality listed as the eighth law). Science has it’s cosmological constant which is always considered to be zero and the poor scientists have had to create anti-quarks, anti-matter particles and black holes to account for all the matter in the Universe that they have invented. For every particle there must be an anti-particle simply because this is the only way that they can explain the creation of matter from nothing. Figmentalism states that "Every thing and every creature must exist and not exist simultaneously" (the ninth law). We pop in and out of reality continuously and the only possible way we can experience life is to imagine it.
So what is the origin of the universe and specifically what is the origin of your design? These must seem heady topics but figmentalism has very easy answers to all questions apart from how thought itself is constructed. "The Cosmos [Universe] is created of Apparency" (the twelfth law) to quote one of the laws of reality and that simply means that the stars only appear to be there and are subservient to what we imagine them to be. Ourselves, however, as humans have no known origin and according to the laws of reality did not begin and have always been. Our design with two arms, legs, eyes etc. is quite understandable. As you develop in early life as a baby you would need some appendage to manipulate the world around and an arm would be a natural necessity, two of them would increase your abilities exponentially but three would have no advantage generally and would imbalance the figure as well. One leg would give you the ability to hop and two would allow walking, running and balance. Three would just be cumbersome. Two eyes allow one to create the illusion of bifocal vision that gives the sense of depth to a scene. How we wound up with ten toes and fingers is more difficult to figure out but we did. Our design seems so natural and ingrained that perhaps there is some form of basic memory that transfers from lifetime to lifetime while the memory of our personality disappears but that is pure speculation and generally figmentalism does not dabble in theory.
Much of what you have just heard to this point could easily be ridiculed and has been according to history books. Governments under the power of the Church would routinely prosecute those that spoke sacrilege and this would definitely qualify. First the Earth was the center of the Universe and was flat, then it became round and revolved around a sun, Then it became one of an uncountable number of planets revolving around an unstateable number of suns and now it returns with figmentalism to it original state as the center of the universe with our perception being both the creator and the center of all things. Thank gosh the inquisition has long passed or we at INTS would be charged with heresy, sacrilege and probably treason just for writing this stuff down. Try this out on your friends. Make the following statements to them and use your camera to record their reaction.
We’re not really standing on the earth, beneath what appears to be the ground is actually nothing at all. We’re walking on imagination.
We can’t really die.
The earth does not revolve.
There is no God, we created ourselves.
The photo’s you took of their reaction will have a lot of open mouths, some loud guffaws and a ton of ridicule but all you have said is absolutely true especially when it’s compared to what they believe. Some will agree wholeheartedly with you but at this time they would be quite rare or smoking weird stuff. At least now it is possible to say these things without being persecuted but still a long way from mainstream.
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