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The Document ‘The Non-Theological Way’ is located Here "Voice" Plain Background for Print Contact Read the Laws or Reality Pictures of the tablets |
About the Laws of Reality ID 505 Aug 22, 2007 INTS is quite proud to present the first expressions that can be called the laws of reality. These are essentially a teaching tool and have no real basis in perfection as an inspired fact of reality. Each law could be said in a variety of ways to convey the same sentiment. Many seem to repeat the underlying message in a different fashion and are largely chosen to convey truth in specific areas that need clarity. The whole idea of truth seems to have escaped our historical literature and any fragment of it is buried in theoretic postulation or theologic dogma. The study that produced these laws began in about 1963 and showed little concrete results until the spring of 2003 when a mental exercise went awry and produced a surprising result that could not be ignored. As mentioned in the description of non-theory, creative thinking revealed the possibility that the theoretical nature of matter could be addressed by the simple abandonment of speculation. This was a shock that can only be absorbed at a very gradual rate and that is why both the laws and the articles of INTS that relate to perception are presented as a distinct alternative to present mainstream thinking in an instructive form. The rarified and sometimes poetic language may be a challenge to the average individual but the overall thrust represents a massive shift in popular or personal perspective that is very difficult to accept. By the same token, the laws also cannot be disregarded or refuted and that statement alone knows no precedent. Beyond the twelve colloquial expressions that were chosen as the ‘laws’ there are ten more that refer to the science of the ‘entity’ being the word used to describe all of reality with a personal edge. Entitic science begins with the repetition of the first law of reality that ‘all is part of a single entity’ and may be expanded over time to include more than these 10 or 11. Any distinct changes are saved to posterity as demonstrated in the various versions of laws, ES law and NES law and will probably continue to develop in small ways over time. NES law is ‘nonreal entitic science’ and attempts to convey philosophic corrections in our collective thinking regarding the conditions of our origin. Perhaps these could be framed in a less wordy, less enigmatic and less forceful way but for the sake of teaching they require some uniqueness and distinct character. The individual laws are explained in a short discussion and are gradually being expanded. The first twelve have been literally cast in stone. They were carved in gypsum, cast in clay, fired and then coated with powdered glass and fired again to give them a finish. The two tablets will be sent to Canadian Universities until they are recognized as a distinct perspective and included in all curriculums concerning philosophy. The first set is being offered to Lakehead University since it is native to INTS staff. Namron Soar "Voice" Read the Laws or Reality The Non-Theological way ID 645 Aug 23, 2007 Humans are, for the most part a religion oriented lot. We cross ourselves when we make a touchdown on the football field, look to the heavens, in thanks after sinking a putt, fall to our knees in the direction of Mecca several times daily, or in war, dedicate our lives to the country, monarch or religious leader in our chosen God’s name. Our proofs are all around us in the glory of life itself and in our religious texts and habits that have been passed down through the ages. These proofs, however have only founding in our creative ability and never has there been any other than belief in a great and watchful superior power. Our Goodness is associated with this institution and our better teachings stem from these higher ideals and thoughts. The deity is almost always a human form in our collective imaginations, though spirits arise from all things that they can be attributed to and the very spiritualism of being part of humanity bolsters this feeling. We are not only connected better to each other but better to all life as well, than we practice. Teachings of all sorts have always included a moral direction, even something as mundane as cartoons have their moral value founded in ‘the spirit’. A natural ecumenism in practiced in society that allows that all religious leanings tend from the ‘good’ and are tolerated as equal, truly a human ideal. From the various deities of any religion stem the wiser, gentler and altruistic teachings intended to guide the believing populous toward better stewardship of their world and better fellowship of individuals. With a populous that took only themselves as deity, these attributes should not be lost. Goodness can still be taught and practiced, and should always be so regardless of the loss of a theological ‘other spirit’. The Church, however, is undergoing change constantly, especially the gradual loss of devout masses but will likely carry on for many years to come regardless of any new thrust toward a non-religious general climate. Adjusting to this new epoch will mean changes to the habit of prayer since the only listeners are those that pray and they only, know their prayers. We, as the new deity instinctively know our own prayers and those of all that pray and they can be best answered by us as well. Our primary needs are simply peace, tranquility and sustenance, and we are best suited to see that we all have such opportunities. In many ways we could not do much worse than we have as a human race under the influence of an overseeing spirit, existing or otherwise. Religious differences have caused much pain and death among our peoples over the centuries and our penchant to weakness and pollution, increases at a frightful rate. Negatively speaking, humans in general seem to worship the power of the great spirit of cash and at this juncture seem determined to sell off our children’s future in very short order. We really need to pray not to some previous failing god but to ourselves that we can stop this rampant wasting commercialism that poisons us all and our world. We are the only ones that can answer this cry. Figmentalism is just a word that describes self-creation and self-determination and requires no belief in deity nor theory. The word is only used to teach the principle of abandoning unfounded theoretical and theological influence in favor of a truer thrust. We must adjust to more tolerance of others, replace the church with a standard of humanity that stems only from life and stop the control of all our standards by the interests of business. God will not mind if we do. After all we created him in our own image and in our own minds and now must realize and cope with this revelation. Namron Soar |
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Laws of Reality Plus ES Law and Nes Law
INTS The Institute of Non-Theoretical Science
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