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What is reality Aug 10, 2009 I. D. 2404
The online encyclopedia ’Wikipedia’ says: Reality, in everyday usage, means "the state of things as they actually exist." In a sense it is what is real. The term reality, in its widest sense, includes everything that is, whether or not it is observable or comprehensible. Reality in this sense includes being and sometimes is considered to include nothingness, where existence is often restricted to being. The term ’reality’ First appeared in the English language in 1550, originally a legal term in the sense of ’fixed property’. It originated from the Modern Latin term ’realitatem’ which was from late Latin ’realis’; The meaning such as ’real existence’ is from 1647 onwards.
Then as most mass authorities of world opinion the encyclopedia goes on to cover the wide range of persons that have written on the subject and become well known for their views. This includes the study of Ontology, Phenomenology and Berkeleyan idealism otherwise known as phenomenalism and the whole affair becomes a study in varying degrees of figmental truth and scientific wishfulness for material realness. Everyone has their own take on the definition of the words used and to truly discuss what the worlds’ philosophers have said about reality would take years of study and a good memory for nonsense facts. Many of these writings have been summarized in our ’General Bibliography’ of Philosophical views and more are being added all the time. It’s interesting to note that the afore mentioned encyclopedia does not contain an entry for Figmentalism and any attempts to convey this to them has left INTS branded as a ’Vandal’ in their parlance and disallowed from their editing procedure. We have also included another bibliography that covers all religions that can be used as a quick reference or study and both are available from our navigation page.
No attempt has ever been made by us to write a critique of specific religions or philosophies except in passing and this is mainly due to the fact that we simply do not understand what most of these explanations of life are about, mainly because they are dead wrong and require dualism to be true (mind or spirit plus body or real matter). You would have to have a very reliable translation because little on these subjects have been originally written in English and since even those that wrote in the language used words to their own definition, it is almost impossible to really grasp their opinions or theories. Another problem is that almost all writing on the subject of life, reality and religion is patently absurd or at least wrong and no one has yet hit it right on the head and gotten it correct (save old religions). As mentioned many religions, especially the older ones do acknowledge that ’all is illusory’ yet loose their brownie points when they try to expand into belief areas that are just conjectural nonsense about non-existent deities. Philosophers do this even worse because many have approached the truth and then added so many other qualifications that the true figmental nature of reality has been lost in dogmatic pronouncements. Berkeley stated loosely that reality was a product of the mind but then concluded that God was the guiding hand of all ideas and he didn’t mean ’us as God’ but rather some ethereal deity that religion and state handed out in those days as some form of intellectual law. Safe to say that the old philosophers or scientists had no way of discovering figmentalism because it was both immoral according to the church and illegal according to the state.
To be considered a philosopher you must be part of the established system and have publications circulated and critiqued otherwise you are nothing more than a blogger by todays’ parlance hacking out your own opinion in a myriad of typewritten digital production that boggles the mind in it’s increasing abundance. INTS could fall into that category but we are attempting to battle our way out of this rabble by the production of dedicated websites that will eventually overtake Wikipedias’ reluctance to include us. Also the ’Laws of Reality’ which we have created have been cast in clay tablets and will be sent to various locations as what we call "Concrete Email" and they will be quite hard to ignore. At this point we are establishing the website Figmentalism dot com so that any and all links to this word will lead directly to us so that this ground floor encampment will have it’s day in the court of philosophical conversation. So far the webs search engines can find us through the key word ’figmentalism’ but our laws of reality have yet to be established and this is the primary job of this dot com. Perhaps I should say that the overriding direction and purpose of all our work here is to foster better relations among our inhabitants namely peace and to create a guide to a greening of our corporate establishment. These are high ideals and they are predicated first on explaining to the world at large what reality actually is and jointly protecting and preserving free speech and the ability of all of the worlds people to communicate through the web freely without the control of Big Brother.
Well that ends the introduction to this chapter so now we will get into the meat of the discussion and explain that reality is really quite apart from the religious and philosophical opinions of previous generations. Reality never changes. It has always been the same and if it has changed there is no way of our ever knowing about it. Reality’s main constraints are that is must somehow overcome the problem of space for it to occur as well as the problem of material for it to be made of. Regardless of what modern science has concocted to seemingly allow the production of intrinsic matter (that in and of itself, capable of existence when we as observers are not) within an unimaginable externally generated space with no bounds, reality still exists. It overcomes these limitations by being made of the same stuff as non-existence and being confined to an apparent orb of reality in which there is no space beyond nor any other conceptual entity, not even empty space or nor-space.
Let us go over the ’Laws of Reality’ that have not already been discussed. The first of both the Laws and Entitic Science is: "All beings, creatures and things are part of a single entity". We divide ourselves into individuals, animals, other creatures and things and phenomenon such as weather are also included but all is the sum total of only one entity. Each individual thing, person or creature is not actually individual as it appears but are completely generated together as a whole and only appear to act independently and autonomously. The stars and distant (apparent) galaxies are part of us and if we were to find other Universes, Dimensions or Aliens, they would be part of us as well. There is nothing else except us, no god, no afterlife (we are unable to die), no big bang, no creation, nothing except our own perception of it and we take the form of the world around us as one single thing with a universal consciousness and mind. We pretend to be individuals in order to have companionship. Our purpose here is just the pastime of company and the enjoyment of life, nothing more. With regard to death we are not composed of anything that can actually deteriorate such as matter or material so entropy is out of the question short of our own apparent aging due primarily to the convention of boredom setting in, which is only natural over some 100 years more or less. We can only maintain our natural interest in life for so long and then we seem to age and die or fall asleep.
The best way that we can think of describing reality is to break with convention using what we call the "Laws" and we call them that because they are not the usual theoretical conjecture but rather statements that can stand as fact, though all quite redundant since they could all be replaced with the single statement of Perfect Elegance "There is no process other than Thought, (even memory is an illusion)" or the vedic translation "All is Illusion".
All beings, creatures and things are part of a single entity. (1)
All of reality including time is utterly elastic. (2)
All of reality is collectively generated by all beings and the living mass of nature. (3)
Reality is a globe we are within, not upon. (4)
Every thing and every creature has the innate ability to react with the universal. (5)
Time is a concept and can have no beginning nor end. (6)
The universe is composed of solid, liquid and gaseous objects that have no intrinsic constituent of matter. (7)
Existence must have a balance with non-existence. (8)
Every thing and every creature must exist and not exist simultaneously. (9)
Any event or combination of events must be possible without the need of matter of any kind. (10)
The mind appreciates the Earth and is the Earth. (11)
The Cosmos are created of apparency. (12)
Repetition and redundancy abound in these so called "Laws". Perhaps there could be 100 or just three but they are primarily observations derived from the discovery of anti-theory (not to be confused with anti-matter theory). They are followed by Entitic Science and Nonreal Entitic Science equally plagued by an underlying oxymoronic quality. Nonetheless they stand as the distilled results of simple thought that has taken the author and a multitude of colleagues some 40 plus years to develop, beginning in his late teens (my late teens, I use the third person quite a bit but I am quoting our laws page and do not like the pronouns I, me or my). Since they are not based on theory or theology they are heresy in it’s purest form and very unlikely to be accepted by a world scientific community that relies on mathematics, comparative examples and material evolution to create it’s hypotheses. These laws will no doubt be proven to be as close as one can get to the explanation of everything as we know it but are so simple and obvious that mainstream science will brand them as philosophical dogma that has been previously stated elsewhere by a multitude of others since written history began.
Notes on each
The Laws are not numbered in the normal lists because of their transience and the previous versions can be found in the laws section but a reference number is placed at the end of each for these notes and also there is no attempt to put them in any particular order since they are just designed to provoke an alternative thought process and discussion and upset the status quo.
(1) The word ’only’ has been removed from the first law as it was included in previous versions and it has been discussed (This is also used as the first law of Entitic Science).
(2) The utter elasticity of all things including time is proven simply by the fact that nothing can remain in any fixed state for even a second although it may appear to do so. Time is conceptual and even our best scientists have no idea what time it actually is. Our clocks are based on mean time and in our reality an hour can pass very rapidly and a minute can seem to go on forever.
(3) The third law shows through it’s evolution from the earlier versions that it’s difficult to assign the ability to psychoproject only to humans. This is quite less than absolute, unlike the other laws.
(4) The forth law was added in V5 in this place to preserve the poetic order and the numbers only refer to this page of notes. If you look around you, You will see that you are within a globe of apparency and not standing on one as the scientists would have you believe. In space the earth may seem to be a globe but is actually a disc at the edge of your own sphere of reality.
(5) The fifth is a direct reference to the inability of DNA to explain things like specific facial heredity and instinct (Universal means "the world").
(6) The sixth is another reference to time considered by mainstream science to be a dimension, which it is not and a reference to the idea that things "began" which they did not. Again you are reminded that these statements must be considered true until such times as they might be replace by proof of else.
(7) The seventh is a direct broadside on the idea that we were somehow derived from unthinking matter by it’s own magical volition and also that matter will somehow outlast us.
(8) The eighth is the fundamental paradox law and simply means that if you start with nothing you must maintain that condition. Things cannot be created when you have nothing to create them with or rather ’out of’.
(9) The ninth is a continuation of the seventh and eighth laws and primarily conceptual and argumentative. It means that we in our thought processes think we exist but do not, said in a more eloquent manner. This could also represent the actual truth to the enigmatic ’Cosmological Constant’ that physicist’s are wrestling with.
(10) The tenth is largely a redundant addition to laws seven, eight and nine but is designed to show the relation of things like a supernova or a personal conversation to the distinct lack of matter.
(11) In the eleventh law "appreciates" means "creates" and is truly poetic but displays more redundancy.
(12) The twelfth law is the most beautiful of all, poetically speaking, and simply drives home the common theme that the stars aren’t really there, nor are we.
So that’s what reality actually is and likely nothing like what you’ve been taught in school or heard on the TV. These are so esoteric that they evoke little or no comment from most and can hardly be accepted as guidelines for life since we have lived in a completely other reality all these years. There are two ways of thinking and this or rather these are the other way.
Laws of Reality Plus ES Law and Nes Law
INTS The Institute of Non-Theoretical Science
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