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How the Brain Works ~ A Treatise by Namron Soar ~ Oh-1 Digital Press ~ Friday October 10th 2011 ~ Chapter Six ~ PLotS Edition 2 ~ ID 3456
This isn’t a novel and it’s not a biography, nor is it a screenplay for a Comedy. It’s just a boring old dissertation on what science should be based on in schools these days and you can consider yourself lucky that it isn’t required reading but someday it might be. In the future your children may have to read the dreaded ’Laws of the Sphere’ and comment on them and memorize each and every one so.. we are going to go walk you through just how these are developed and since this is the first draft of said laws, we will forthwith develop, before your very eyes, the second draft and all the considerations, interesting and otherwise will be duly noted.
If it were a comedy routine then it might go something like this. Your child would come home from school and announce to you that her teacher was quoting some hippy dude from the internet named Namron Soar and you would respond..
"Who the heck is Nimrod Snore?" (She would reiterate the name being that she was in middle school and sharp as a tack and definitely not to be put off by your cheap contrivances.)
"Namron wants to know what your are standing on Dad?" (Your response would be less than accurate because the child is about to put you in your intellectual place and you can see it coming.)
"C’mon Dad.. Just tell me what you are standing on."
"OK" (you say) "I give up.. I’m standing on the floor!"
"And what’s under that?" (she says)
"..Uhhh well ..uhh the ground?" (you stammer because you really have no idea what she’s getting at.)
"And what’s under that?" (she queries with confidence in her eyes that tells you that this is going to be a somewhat painful experience.)
"OK.. Well how about rocks and earth?" (you postulate.)
"And what’s below that Dad?"
"You mean like molten lava?"
"And below that..?"
"The center of the Earth? C’mon Kid what are you getting at??"
"This is what our teacher told us to say to our parents.. err I mean ask them."
"OK so what’s the point? There is more lava and then more earth as you get through the globe and then I guess ..well maybe China?"
"Ah Ha!" (she points her finger) "That’s what she said you would say!"
"Well.." (you fumble for words because this time she has you completely dumbfounded, then confidently you mutter).. "That’s what we learned in school.." (knowing full well that the worst is yet to come and your humble offering is about turn to mince meat.)
"Namron says;" (she straightens her shoulders and you know that you are about to be intellectually shot through the heart.. or rather the head) "You are not on a globe such as the Earth and there is no way that you could actually describe what is beneath your feet." (her smile tells you that she has memorized this perfectly and delivered it eloquently and is really enjoying the puzzled look in your eyes.)
(Your response is..) "Umm.. Err.." (and you are beginning to wonder what the education system is coming to telling some poor kid that there really is no Earth. You lower you eyes and look over the top of your glasses hoping that somehow this stern expression will bring an end to the pain.)
"C’mon Dad what do you think of that?"
"Think of what?" (you pretend not to have any idea what she is getting at.)
"We’re not on a Globe, We’re in one!" (and she raises her arms and motions them apart to demonstrate that the room is a globe that she is speaking of.)
(Suddenly you think you get it and comment..) "Ya OK so the room is kinda like a globe but you must have the part about the Earth a bit mixed up." (so you assert) "You better ask your teacher about the other part because we definitely are on a planet that we call Earth."
"Nope! We already asked the teacher that.. about a million times and Namron says there is no planet, We only pretend that it’s there." (Her beaming eyes tell you that there isn’t going to be an easy end to this conversation.. at least not for you.)
(You sit down.. well you flop onto the ottoman which doesn’t help because your Daughter now towers above you and you can tell by her demeanor that she is about to do brain surgery and you may not survive with your old thinking system. Again you peer above your horn rims and this time with a sheepish look because you realize that the only other alternative is calling the teacher and raising Cain and you know that could be worse than your daughters virtual scalpel. Like an old Dog you offer to try to learn new tricks by saying;) "So.. what the heck happened to the old Earth?"
"Well Dad.." (and she sits beside you the way you used to when you told her bedtime stories.. and you know now that this is going to change your perspective forever because she doesn’t even need to tower over you to perform the surgery.) "You see.." (pausing a moment so she can enjoy the full pleasure of a kid telling Daddy that there is a whole new enchilada when it come to education.) "The Earth is a figment of our Imagination and everything else is too.. so we are inside a globe and when we can’t see the Earth.. it’s not there!"
"Whoa!.. Whoa.. Is that what they’re telling you in school these days?.. Everything is imaginary?"
"Yup!" (she says with confidence) "You learned it in philosophy and it was called Idealism.. remember? My teacher told us that too."
"Ya but that was never proved.." (now it’s all coming back to you about Cartesian Dualism and how you used sit with your buddies and argue the pros and cons of Idealism late at night and drink wine and smoke pot..)
"So what are you thinking about now Dad?"
Well you can see where this is going. There could be a much more interesting way of teaching these things so maybe you want to wait until the movie comes out but in the meantime here is a fresh copy of: The Practical laws of the Sphere (kinda catchy huh!) Written January 2nd 2010.
This is the new and experimental zone in which we will explore truisms that can lead to a greater understanding of what it is to be human. It seems that the following examples should be paired with common knowledge preceding the proposed law but then you know what ideas are overturned by these don’t you? The second reference may also belong in NES (Non-Real Entitic Science) Law as well as here.
(1) The sphere is closest to your back, tangible to your feet, at which points you become it.
(2) There is no reference possible for what is below your footing or beyond the sphere.
(3) Common knowledge devises an Earth beneath our collective feet.
(4) Common knowledge envisions massive globes as gravitational cause.
(5) All is connected through the surface of the Sphere as well as it’s apparent ether.
(6) We automatically generate a perpendicular existence on a plain with gravity.
(7) We automatically generate practical explanations for the creation of all beauty and decay.
(8) All creation occurs prior to any scientific principles, which follow when needed.
(9) There are no scientific principles except that which we pretend.
(10) All thought is transmitted instantly to all, though we frequently ignore it.
(11) Individual persons and things appear to be unique, as do situations, because they are generated by everything around them.
(12) There is no process other than thought, even memory is an illusion. (This was removed because it is the ’perfect elegance’ statement.)
(13) The sphere is the only way to describe existence, thought, memory or brain.
(14) The sphere has a horizon that meets the eye and is parallel with the footing.
{Note:} The footing could be referred to as the Plain of Resistance.
Now after reading these written almost a year ago, it is almost embarrassing when something is found that does not make sense or desperately needs rewriting but they will become part of the archive as have all the other editions and the Laws of Reality have six revisions. Each Sphere law will be examined as will the order of them and a long drawn out, tedious explanation will be devised (as usual). They are not numbered, normally so for the sake of reference I will do so and then remove the numbers later. The reason for this is that there is not really a progression as they are just a series of observances that attempt to fully describe something that has not yet been expressed in literature.
Well after reading all them over, these are the impressions about the original set that might possibly be put right, but maybe not.
Some don’t seem to refer to the sphere. Perhaps the wording or nomenclature needs adjustment.
Perhaps there could be more or less than 14.
The Referencing Law of Reality: Reality is a globe we are within not upon.
(13) The Sphere describes existence the way it is experienced by each individual.
(13-2) The Sphere is thought, memory and the physical part of the mind.
(1) The Sphere is connected to your head at ear level, to your body at your back and your feet can walk on it and at these points you become it.
(0-1) You are within the Sphere either waking or dreaming.
(0-2) In Sleep and Death when no Sphere is apparent, these times do not exist. {should somehow be combined with (0-3)}
(0-3) There is no time in existence when the Sphere is not present, except in the transitional milliseconds of falling asleep, passing out or death.
(14) The sphere has a horizon that meets the eye and is parallel with the plain of resistance.
(2) There is no reference possible for what is below the plain of resistance or beyond the sphere.
(3) Common knowledge devises an Earth beneath our collective feet.
(4) Common knowledge envisions massive globes as gravitational cause.
(5) All is connected through the surface of the Sphere as well as it’s apparent ether.
(6) We automatically generate a perpendicular existence on a plain with gravity and friendly atmospheric conditions.
(10) All thought is transmitted instantly to all through the interconnection of the Sphere, though we frequently ignore it.
(8) All creation occurs prior to any scientific principles, which follow when needed.
(7) We automatically generate practical explanations for the creation of all beauty and decay within the Sphere.
(9) There are no scientific principles except that which we pretend, save those that apply to thought.
(11) Individual persons and things appear to be unique, as do situations, because they are generated by everything around them.
(0-4) The Entity encompasses the Sphere from all perspectives.
Well there you have the second edition of the PLotS dated Oct 09, 2011 and I can see some improvements are still needed but the 2nd set is much better, especially in the order and also in the new inclusions. Naturally you are invited to comment and INTS will make the suggested alteration in whole or in part or at least include your comment with the laws should it be applicable. In our laws area of the web we will place this new set and the old one will be placed in the appropriate archive for the sake of posterity. Now comes the tedious task (which I most enjoy) of commenting on each at length in order to clarify, explore, explain and possibly to invent new versions or additions. The numbers will be removed in the archive but for now we will use them to reference each but they are repeated anyway for quick access.
*Comments on PLotS
(13) The Sphere describes existence the way it is experienced by each individual. *Common knowledge states that our brain is how existence is experienced but that is not the case, since we don’t really have a brain. We indeed pretend we have one and as a physical being (not in a dream) we protect it with crash helmets and by careful actions but that brain is clearly outside of the sphere so therefore it’s non-existent. So where else could the thoughts we have take place.. well it must be within the Sphere and that means all of it.
(13-2) The Sphere is thought, memory and the physical part of the mind. *The wording of this law might have to be changed because the word ’physical’ in this case is tenuous. There is no ’physical’ as in the old materialistic way of thinking but with the new science there must be a new ’physical’ and that is the apparent one that is pixels of sight, aroma, taste, touch and sound. (the word pixels is used as this branch of science has not yet received proper nomenclature.)
(1) The Sphere is connected to your head at ear level, to your body at your back and your feet can walk on it and at these points you become it. *This could say that your head becomes part of the Sphere, as does your body and in the case of flying with a hang glider or falling, your feet are temporarily out of touch with a surface to walk on.
(0-1) You are within the Sphere either waking or dreaming. *Again the wording of being within the sphere could be changed to ’part of’. If you were spinning you would feel more like you were within it but in fact you are driving apparent reality to spin in the opposite direction to that of your rotation.
(0-2) In Sleep and Death when no Sphere is apparent, these times do not exist. {should somehow be combined with (0-3)} *If a friend were to sit and watch you sleep from say midnight to 6 a.m. it would take 6 hours for that person to pass this time but for you it would pass in an instant, save the period of time that you dreamed.
(0-3) There is no time in existence when the Sphere is not present, except in the transitional milliseconds of falling asleep, passing out or death. *You are constantly aware throughout all your life and during your sleep period your mind simply changes from being exhausted when you fall asleep to being rested a millisecond later when you awake. *It should be noted that the word millisecond in this case is actually no time at all, it just feels like some time has passed. In death you pass away and become a baby in your next life instantly. *This would also account for some who have visited death and see the bright light of their next life, then return. (Note: As mentioned in an earlier chapter we are not made of anything that can deteriorate so we are completely unable to actually die. We experience aging and death because it’s just too boring to continue life forever but it’s just an experience. It’s the same thing with sleep, we aren’t made of anything that can get tired but we get revitalized through falling asleep and it divides the boredom into compartments.)
(14) The sphere has a horizon that meets the eye and is parallel with the plain of resistance. *The word footing was changed to the ’plain of resistance’ that we are thrust upon. The horizon may not be present when lying down or within a room. *Certain drug experiences such as Salvia will remove this plain and also your body leaving only your awareness or mind floating in a void with sounds and sights etc.
(2) There is no reference possible for what is below the plain of resistance or beyond the sphere. *This was the original PLotS that was first discovered but has now been relegated to a more suitable place in the list. (You may differ.) INTS was trying to figure out how to describe what is below your feet and it was found that the idea of space could not be used, nor could ’void’, nor ’nothingness’ all because there is no knowledge whatsoever possible, of what is beyond the sphere. We cannot take for granted that the Sphere his within anything else, and quite the contrary we must assume that the Sphere exists without a container. It just goes to show how the ’Space’ idea is so universal.
(3) Common knowledge devises an Earth beneath our collective feet. *This will get you into all kinds of arguments with any and all and you may even suffer ridicule should you pop this little gem on your friends.
(4) Common knowledge envisions massive globes as gravitational cause. *Science thinks it has some considerable proof of this since there is no other explanation for gravity apart from the illusive ’Gravitons’ which are not to be found and have been supplanted by String theory, Supersymmetry or M-Theory. Gravity even stumped the great Einstein although he was fully aware that everything is an illusion.
(5) All is connected through the surface of the Sphere as well as it’s apparent ether. *As you look out to the sea the Sphere appears as a flat watery surface and rises to the mountains in the distance touching the sky and overhead to the sun, moon and stars returning to the tall trees beside you and then to you and again to the ground on which you stand. The birds in the sky are connected to air within the Sphere and to you, all others and all creatures and things.
(6) We automatically generate a perpendicular existence on a plain with gravity and friendly atmospheric conditions. *Our most natural state could be considered this or it could be considered just a thought process with none of the above although few ever experience the latter.
(10) All thought is transmitted instantly to all through the interconnection of the Sphere, though we frequently ignore it. *We pretend our individuality though we are really not very good at it because you can tell when someone is lying if you are open to clairvoyance.
(8) All creation occurs prior to any scientific principles, which follow when needed. *The creation here refers to something new such as when the Hubble telescope sent back it’s images of the far reaches of space, never seen before and the new galaxies discovered. Theories abounded about the receding of these galaxies and new black holes discovered etc. All Scientific theories are contrived and called theories because they aren’t really true since they all rely on the pre-existence of matter and an external space to put them. All of the laws stated by INTS are not theoretical but may contain some degree of error. (Perhaps this law should be combined with the following one?)
(7) We automatically generate practical explanations for the creation of all beauty and decay within the Sphere. *Apart from the theories from science we also have theistic pronouncements with no foundation except when applied to us as the collective god spirit and also old wives tales, farmers almanac wisdom, ancient wise ones sayings etc. that are used to explain or teach but have little foundation in truth.
(9) There are no scientific principles except that which we pretend, save those that apply to thought. *The study of the absolute is the only real science.
(11) Individual persons and things appear to be unique, as do situations, because they are generated by everything around them. *This doesn’t really need an explanation and besides I’m tired and need to go for a walk.. ta ta.
(0-4) The Entity encompasses the Sphere from all perspectives. *Chapter 13 is a discussion of the Entity and there needs to be a division drawn between Entitic Science (ES Law) and the Sphere. The Entity is everything that is existence and the Sphere is what is described in the previous PLotS.
It should be noted that there needs to be some more detailed explanation on some of the various situations where the sphere is not as easy to recognize as when awake standing in a room or outside. Once one has crawled into bed and you are say, lying on your back with your eyes closed there seems to be a considerable presence of your back and little but blackness where the sphere should be. Should you be troubled by sore legs from the days travails then it might seem a far cry from the way the sphere is described here but let me assure you that the same rules apply, the sphere is just a bit distorted and you still don’t have a brain short of the things that you are experiencing. More on these conditions later. The Sphere is just a convenient way of describing all that is encompassed by your life and not in any way supposed to be globe shaped.
Namron Soar
Chapter Seven Chapter Seven Plain INTS The Institute of Non-Theoretical Science Clayarts Featuring; This Week at Grampa’s General Interest Galleries Rebel Real Rufus Contact Namron Soar Nsoar@tbaytel.net |
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All Voice Recordings (115 Mp3’s) |
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