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Laws Introduction ~ January 22, 2010 ~ ID 1094 ~ Oh-1 Digital Press
These laws are not something new to read about and believe in. They are just expressions that run mostly counter to common knowledge and are called ’Laws’ because they are fact and what our collective minds know about the world and reality, until they are proved to be wrong, which will never happen. Proving they are wrong is exactly what ’Science’ has been up to ever since it was invented. For example; until matter is discovered, and contrary to popular belief, it hasn’t been discovered yet, we must conclude that matter isn’t real, it’s just imaginary like everything else. It is really quite a shame how programs come on television and can be found readily on the web that explain science subjects as if they were proved, touting the inventors of such theories as persons that have discovered something other than an imaginary principle. All theories are in error, they are interesting and instructive yet wrong.
Unfortunately for Scientists and Theologs, no theory or theology has any merit simply because they cannot actually be communicated. We seem to be able to understand about Theology but the idea of a God or Allah in heaven requires an act of faith or belief in a personage that is indescribable as is the location of heaven. It isn’t part of the Laws of Reality but is expressed in the associated system called Figmentalism and states that; "We are the Spirit and created all the conceptions about God/Allah and every Scripture that exists, pray only to ourselves and are completely responsible for any creation that has taken place or will take place regarding us". This does not discount all the old so-called religions such as Shinto, Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and the Mayan doctrines along with many aboriginal spiritist doctrines that would be better referred to as ’life guidance systems’ than ’religions’. All of the foregoing systems have two things in common with Figmentalism and the Laws of Reality in that they recognize that each individual is part of the whole of humanity, nature and the cosmos and what actually constitutes Allah/God. They all state in varying ways, or do not deny it, that we are the Spirit and nothing is beyond us. The Deities that they propose are mythical unlike Jesus who is touted as real and historical. This leaves modern religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam out in the cold because all tend to describe Allah/God as external from us and the creating force for us. These religions have all been manipulated by the various churches, especially the Catholic Church for control of the populous and the subsequent ’Guilt concept’ is used to lower individual esteem making believers suckers for donations and control. Figmentalism and the old systems such as Advaita Vedanta (early Hinduism) all realize that these modern Religions are dead wrong and foisted on the unwary by malicious control freaks. You will notice how all the modern religions go to war so quickly or create fatwas that go against the very tenets of all religious belief, namely that of not killing others.
In the light of Figmentalism and the Laws, Modern Science that is taught almost universally is also in very bad shape. Theories like Big Bang, DNA, Evolution and the theory of Space and the Cosmos are all completely off the charts in the accuracy category because they cannot actually be written down as complete theories. Evolution requires a starting point such as a primordial sea on an appropriate planet which only would exist if the Big bang or some other similar theory were correct. Big Bang requires a space for it to take place and some material to exist and both cannot be accounted for in any rational terms. The theory of space requires one to overlook the fact that an infinite space (one that stretches out forever) cannot even be contemplated, nor described without using unknowns such as the word ’Infinity’ which means ’Not Finite’ or ’Not Described’. You really can’t have a complete theory unless it can be described and no modern scientific theory can claim that. Oddly we seem to have the ability to grasp religions and theories that are pure nonsense simply because of our ability to ’Believe’. Figmentalism and the Laws are complete in every way except the understanding of what thought itself is and do not require one to believe anything.
It is, however, very difficult to live one’s life knowing that the ground on which you walk has nothing that can be described under it. Even more difficult when you see images of Earth from space, fly around the globe to another location or dig down deep into the earth. Still there is nothing below the apparent vision of the place on which you stand and this information is so foreign to anyone that you speak to that you will illicit a laugh and ridicule from anyone that you tell it to. Almost any North American child can go up to his/her teacher and ask ’What is down there?" pointing to the ground and the teacher will probably say something like "China" or "The Earth" and leave out the fact that such a statement is only a theoretical perspective. Oddly even Einstein knew that everything is imaginary and was quoted saying ’Life is an illusion, albeit a persistent one" which would make all his mathematical equations in error but also explain why he couldn’t find ’The Unified Field Theory’ that he sought for the latter part of his life. The ’Gravity’ he was trying to include in his experiments or explanations is also imaginary but he left that out because he so wanted to include some equation that would couple it with other phenomenon, such as magnetism. Science recently uses ’String theory’ to try for an explanation.
The ’Laws of Reality’ could be expressed in one simple law such as "We collectively create the world we live in" or "There is no process other than thought" or the Vedas’ "All is Illusory" but instead they have been expanded to give a broader perspective and more to think about in their study. If you have ever contemplated other dimensions or Aliens then think about this; We haven’t created either yet but if we do then our entire history will be changed because when either is created then they would have been there all along. The corollary to all this is ’Even Memory is an Illusion’.
Namron Soar
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