How the Brain Works ~ A Treatise by Namron Soar ~ Oh-1 Digital Press ~ Friday October 10th 2011 ~ Chapter Ten ~ Problems with Fig ~ ID 1192
Now very few scientists or philosophers will elaborate on the problems that they are having with their theories and, of course, INTS still claims that this Fig stuff isn’t theory, and it isn’t, but there are still limits to the understanding of this following and I’m going to outline a few right here and now. Actually I wanted to get right into Entitic Science, NES Law and the Laws of Reality themselves but I noticed a few misdemeanors on the previous page (chapter 9) and I’m going to have to wade in on them because they are bugging the hell out of me and I mean that.
It was pointed out several times that I was guessing when it came to the actual description of what happens after our individual death experience. For all that is really known about this, we each could return as our own little invention of life and become anything at all, within any type of world or rather environment. We could go through a whole variety of short lives, in one of which we suddenly find ourselves as a teenage boy wielding a sword in something similar to gladiator times that goes on for weeks and somehow we manage to survive for that period. Then punctuated by another life that begins as an adult dinosaur. There are no rules that we know of. In the Gladiator life we may have a magic potion that heals our wounds overnight or even something that transcends death and causes us to seek to die during our whole cycle culminating with success when we discover just how to finish ourself off. Just because we are humans in this life does not mean that we will always be that and certainly in previously lives we were something different. We do not require gravity and if you notice the difference between waking and dreaming there is considerably less of it in dreamland. Many of us can fly in a dream. I’m not going to point out all of the problems in the previous chapter except that idea that the child produces it’s own sex and creates itself from within is something that you may not agree with and I don’t really support that whole thing myself.
The largest problem with Figmentalism/Idealism/Enlightenment, and I have heard this on a number of occasions, and it’s the main counter point that people use to argue against this position: How do we create our own pain? If we create ourselves in birth then how are the cripples, the sick and the starving conceived and why would one reproduce themselves into such imperfection or even terror such as those that are born into a war zone and die a horrible death while they are still babies or children? Many postulate that this phenomenon is "just deserts" or "Kharmic retribution" and we are born into a situation with the pain that we may have caused others in the previous life but I don’t buy that because we are the creator of our own being at all times and have the ability to forgive ourselves, but then I’m still just guessing. These are very tasking questions and point largely to Solipsism (Word Origin & History: solipsism 1874, coined from Latin; solus "alone" + ipse "self." The view or theory that self is the only object of real knowledge or the only thing that is real. In philosophy the extreme form of scepticism which denies the possibility of any knowledge other than of one’s own existence.) but baring that and it must be noted that fig states, quite counter to that; "We collectively create the world we live in." These problems are not within solipsism because; for my own personal life all the pain was quite an ordinary and explainable thing though largely unbearable and the fear that I have experienced is the worst part but then we all know about that. There is nothing to fear except fear itself. (Franklin D Roosevelt actually said: "So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself -- nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.") This is quite true. Fear cannot hurt you at all unless you let it get to you. Falling on the sidewalk can! You could wind up with a broken hip or something that becomes so painful that the fear of doing it again haunts you. The question becomes; Why would you do this to yourself if you are the only one that is responsible for this act of perhaps slipping on a icy patch? Fig states clearly that you and only you are the creator of the sidewalk, the icy conditions and the misstep that caused this perhaps lifelong pain. You made yourself fall and busted your hip... What a dummy!
What is the solution to this problem? For you personally the broken hip might be something like what happened to me when I fell off my mountain bike into what I thought was 8 inch deep snow. Well the snow was that deep and Mr Macho didn’t realize that it was fresh fallen and my knee when right through to the frozen gravel road and smashed who knows what. Well I got up and rode home but it became painfully sore and took weeks to heal and when it did, it would go out of joint as I walked and then pop back in etc. and this went on for three years until one day I was rolling over in bed and the knee seemed to smash like glass and naturally I went to the hospital. They said it was just arthritis but I knew differently and I couldn’t sleep for a month because of the excruciating pain. When it did heal the snapping in and out of joint had cured itself and the left knee was actually better than the right. Why did I do this to myself? Well I was the one that chose to ride in these winter conditions and take a chance like that so eventually luck was going to catch up to me and I got hurt. I did not stop riding at any time during these events because I knew that eventually it would work itself out and it did. I’m considerably more careful now. You may not be able to resolve the things that have happened to you in such a casual way especially if you have some problem that is chronic and debilitating. The learning experience for you in all this is that you might try to think a bit more positive and see if your ills can be remedied or perhaps you might be able to find a bright side to them.
This is a short chapter that is most difficult to write and perhaps I will add to it in the future, should there be an inspiration or even more damning information.
Namron Soar
Chapter Eleven Chapter Eleven Plain INTS The Institute of Non-Theoretical Science Clayarts Featuring; This Week at Grampa’s General Interest Galleries Rebel Real Rufus Contact Namron Soar |
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All Voice Recordings (115 Mp3’s) |
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