How the Brain Works ~ A Treatise by Namron Soar ~ Oh-1 Digital Press ~ Saturday December 4th 2010 ~ Chapter Two ~ The Elements of Mental Function ~ ID 3382
The brain as we know it is a complete duplicate of the external world. Everything we discover, view, listen to, smell or eat is duplicated within the mental part of the brain and right down to the most infinitesimal detail. If we don’t record it or notice it, it does not exist. You may argue with this if you wish but let us examine the explanation very carefully. First you must abandon the concept that your individual brain is independent from the ’Mass Consciousness’. To some extent you are entitled to your own independent, albeit ’Secret’ thoughts but this is only allowed by the consciousness of all of reality (or you may say all of humanity as a starting point). This mass consciousness is referred to by INTS as ’The Entity’ and has it’s own following, called Entitic Science describing the conditions of the Entity as well as the overall consciousness. This is what makes the world the same for everyone and everything and produces both the individuals and each individual consciousness. This can explain things like precognition and extra-sensory perception or gut-feeling because we are all interconnected with everything around us including the planets and stars. All comprise a single entity with a single thought pattern that is only borne with the individual. Individual thought patterns are allowed by the Entity in order that we have companionship and for no other reason. This is probably the most difficult part of real reality to accept because there is no thought pattern at all without brains and brains are only supplied to individuals be they humans or animals.
In the beginning we see little and hear little. As we grow we become aware of the world and our brain develops into an individual that realizes that is separate from all other things. The world seems to be on one side of the senses and the brain on the other. The brain cannot experience the world directly nor can the individual experience the brain. One tends to isolate thoughts as the propriety of the brain but it actually encompasses all of existence. Your external world is only what you think it is, to you as an individual but to the mass consciousness might be quite different. Even two persons discussing a view may wonder how they see the same thing and this is usually the sticking point with much discussion of Idealism but they really don’t see the same thing at all. There may be agreement on the location and the basic elements of the view but each person would have quite a different focal point and also differing opinions of what is seen. The mass consciousness automatically corrects differing points and gives the individuals the feeling that they are within the same reality but one might see a color or location different from a colleague but there is no way of comparing these things except verbally and that method is quite insufficient. Two photographers could go to a prearranged site separately, neither having been there before and neither having any knowledge of the site. They could take a picture of the panorama from a predetermined point starting in a predetermined angle and undoubtedly both photos would almost be identical barring some silly error. This could be tried again and again with many different people and the result would be the same except for small differences and there would be many of those. With a larger sample there would also be some unexplained anomalies and major differences that might not show up with just a sample of two but still, site unseen previously, people see everything exactly the same (or close to exactly) and that is due to this mysterious connection between us that I usually describe in the following manner. You are part of the ground on which you stand and this is a literal statement. The floor isn’t considered by you to be part of you as an individual but in the real system in which we exist it is same thing. Your friend is also part of the floor or ground on which she/he stands and is so wherever they stand and the floor or ground is the same thing everywhere and indelibly connects you to every other creature and a single consciousness.
Surprises in Mental Function
The Brain does not see the ground as an Earth, it pretends there is such a thing but only recognizes that it (the human) is a vertical agent, perpendicular when standing, on some form of a plain of resistance.
The Brain does not see the Universe as an external or open space. It tries to conceptualize this but it’s default existence is within a bubble or envelope which may be comprised of a room or the canopy of the day or night sky.
The Brain does not see the world as something that is created within. Due to binocular vision, touch, smell and sound it sees the world as being externally relevant and existent in a material sense and has a lot of trouble grasping the utter balance between the thought of the world and the world itself.
We collectively create impossibilities to keep ourselves from discovering anything that would corrupt our present world view. We could dig in the ground to prove that there was a world beneath our feet and most of us do so when we prepare our gardens or dig a basement but for those the go deep underground the increasing heat is realized (made real) and the theory continues that a mantle or molten core is below this and quite impenetrable by any machine we presently have, so there is no practical way of proving that we are on a planet by attempting to tunnel through it. Just traveling around it or away from it (with spaceshuttless) seems to be proof enough that it is a globe that we are standing on. Space is incredibly vast and the nearest planet that we discovered is still just theoretical and some 20 years away should we be able to travel at the speed of light so we are not likely to travel to another planet any time soon. As the history goes people lived on the earth years ago and thought it was flat, not knowing what was beneath their feet, time passed and they discovered it was a globe amongst other globes and they accepted that and the proof in modern times comes in the form of travel to our moon or just satellite views of our earth. These views ignore or are not privy to the surprising way mentality functions in that we as individuals are capable of a view within our own reality that is not reflective of real reality. We can be the astronaut or we can look at the pictures of our earth that they send back but we are still bound by collective consciousness and it’s proof supplied by individual experience. This treatise brings us full circle to the point that we are again upon a flat earth and that, dear reader is the default position of our mental state though you may wish to argue that point. Welcome to the collective, resistance is futile.
Basic Brain Function and Fractal Reality
Before we get into the physical brain dilemma, let us see what is required of a brain in it’s basic form as a thinking system. First of all it gives up a whole lot of freedom by being within the form of a creature or human but in doing so creates an environment that is easy to live in (to some) and one that has a variety of needs in order to pass the time and create interest. If you were to look at the scene in front of an awake person and consider the direction that they are looking, out a window at a lakeside for example. Their point of focus for the beginning of this discussion will be toward the center of the horizon and in a standing position with a glass set of panes between the view. The subject has no feeling of a brain and no real perception of anything behind the eye area in a visual sense. If the subject were to move the focus of attention to the very periphery (sort of like looking sideways or concentrating what is at right angles to the original focus) of their vision they would loose the concentration on the beginning focal line and the brain would be trying to see sideways out of the eyes. The eyes would remain focused on the center of the scene but the brain focus would be attempting to measure how much information is available at the periferal edge of vision. This shows that the brain has the ability to ignore the visual focus and concentrate on other points within visual range. Returning concentration to the the eye focus the subject looks through the first layer of fractal reality which are the eyelashes, tears, eyelids and other facial features that are capable of altering the scene. There can be a variety of fractal layers in every scene and the following is how the brain handles such a complex task as this. The subject (female this time) sees the clouds move and shifts her focus of attention to them as well as her head and eyes. In the Clouds she sees some remarkable detail of feathery plumes that so remind her of a painting she was doing. The waves also have similar patterns and she notices that farther out the clouds themselves are reflecting off the surface of the lake. The mountain patterns add a right angle, she turns her head to answer someone, she calls for someone to answer the phone, her mind returns to the jagged faces of the mountains contrasted so much even by the foreground and flowers in her own garden and this all occurs within a single minute. This example gives a peek into the variety of information that the brain can be bombarded with but basic brain function shows how it’s all handled.
While She is looking at the scene and memorizing her artsy views for later reference the radio or background noise turns itself off for her brain although she has an alert awareness that is ready for phone calls and interpersonal activity, while she is actively enjoying the view her single focal point of attention blocks all distraction simply by just not having the ability to actually do two things at once, brainwise. The mind cannot focus on two points at once although it can take an overall appreciation of the view and when one does this you will notice that the optical focus darts about or attempts to defocus on a particular point. In this way the brain can limit the input, and it can be accentuated by actively blocking any type of input. The brain will dart from a sound to a sight and then a creative thought or an internal visualization as She looks at her painting through her minds eye and while there is concentration on any one thing all others loose their ability to be heard or seen. Automatic responses such as when she responded may not be recorded in her memory at all and she will remember that she told her child the same thing a great number of times during the day but will not likely remember each and every instance. This is the great ability of the brain to forget things that it just can’t bother to remember. You would not want to remember every pebble on the beach but if you were young you might remember a collection of hundreds on your shelf that you had collected. Young stamp collectors can easily remember the condition and whether they have a specific stamp in a collection of 20,000 or more. Older stamp collectors would have traded and sold or lost so many that they would have supplanted this memory with a physical list describing their collection. Those that had no use for stamps would only have a vague impression of a single stamp. So you may selectively turn off memories or have them automatically relegated to the wastebin of the mind. This is one of the most important aspects of the Human mind and must have some counterpart within the animal world right down to the smallest of creatures with an identifiable brain.
Fractal Layers of Sight powered by Random Generators
Once Our Subject has finished inside She walks outside to the lake and out a ways onto the dock. She looks down into the water which is about a foot or two deep and quite clear with a slightly choppy surface. She analyzes the layers of her view because she is familiar with fractals and their mathematical equivalent. A Fractal is a digital picture that is generated from a complex mathematical formula and just means fractured view. The pattern of waves on the background layer, in this case, the bottom of the lake is from light being refracted through the actual surface of the water and it dances in shimmering light over the sand wavelets, that the background layer is made of, further disturbing the pattern and making it even more mathematically complex. This is something she and only she can see in her own way because exactly what she sees is bounded by her minds ability to resolve these complex light structures in the timeframe allotted. Another older person looking at the same scene at her side might be considerably more aware of light and water refraction and view the site quite differently but there is no way that the two can communicate such a thing so they automatically think the other can see the same thing.
If our subject were to glance at the water scene she would get a rapid impression of the glinting light playing on the sandy bottom but if she concentrated on the view the view itself begins to develop. This is the Brain inputting information into the sight and this phenomenon can be seem more clearly if one were to take an hallucinogen such as LSD. The mind will create accentuated patterns and if it were to think that there is a possibility that a school of minnows were to swim by then there is a heightened possibility that this would happen because the brain has the ability to create a view of them normally called happenstance.
Now this is where our discussion gets a turn. It has been stated that the brain or mind creates the view and manipulates it. Naturally this must occur with the Universal Collective View of what the beach and the world looks like to our subject but she is the one that is appreciating the clouds and the wave patterns and manipulating (creating) them. You may wish to put this nonsense down at this point because creating the view that you see is such a far cry from normal visual/brain theory but I remind you that this is not theory and the contemporary scientific gibberish is. The System is Non-Theoretical Base Logic and cannot be wrong and there is a very simple proof and here it is. As you are in a state of dreaming in sleep you know that you create all of the people and places and situations within your dream and one does not usually realize that they are dreaming but is convinced that it is real and when you awake you are instructed by our institutions that this changes. Well it doesn’t. When you wake you are still an individual and if you are alone then you are the only one generating the view although it’s within the constraints of mass consciousness. So bore yourself a little further and find out some very amazing things about this subject.
As our Subject looks at the water and sand she discovers that her eyelids close slightly to shield the intense light.
This Eye layer is the first fractal layer.
The airspace between the eye and her glasses would be the second.
The glasses themselves the third.
The airspace between the glasses and the surface of the water the fourth.
The surface of the water the fifth.
The water between the surface reflections and the bottom the sixth.
And the bottom background layer the seventh.
We have identified seven different layers that can fracture (change).
The eye can blink or water (tear) affecting the view.
A strand of hair could fall between the eye and glasses.
The glasses could fog or receive a splash.
A bird, bee or butterfly could pass through the space above the water.
A seagull could cause a shadow on the surface of the water affecting all the layers below.
A school of minnows could pass through the water churning a cloud of sparkly dust.
Detris such as waterlogged twigs could obscure some part of the bottom.
How does the brain handle seven different layers that all have the ability to change independently? Plus there is another condition that isn’t even a layer but could really affect the sight and that would be clouds passing over the sun making the surface layer look pale and the bottom dismal, ruining the joyful effect. There could be more or less than seven but this example uses that number. Each of these layers has a generator within the brain (and again this is qualified for future reference) that randomly as well as non randomly controls the cloud pattern even when She isn’t looking up. Her subconscious would know there were mostly sunny periods with some cloudy patches and occasionally the view of the lake bottom would be drastically altered. This allows her to more enjoy the Sunny glistening views if they are interrupted and rarer. As She looks up she sees the random cloud pattern that has a non random streakiness in some places and puffy cumulous in another. No two cumulous clouds are exactly the same so they are randomly generated but have the unmistakable non random general cloud pattern that can be seen day after day. Again the Brain can only concentrate on one thing at a time so, for example, the eye can see the whole general scene then concentrate of the fleeting patterns of light on the bottom to be interrupted by a school of minnows and then their focus shifts to the sparkling cloud of sand stirred up by the fish and then back to the surface of the water to see a leaf float by. When one looks from layer to layer the generators automatically kick in. While viewing the general scene as mentioned the eye would randomly dart from place to place in an imperceptible way but if you concentrate on where you are looking you can experience this first hand. The general refracting and glistening of light would be controlled by an ad hoc random generator that combined the effects of the surface reflection, the cloud cover and the bottom distorted images of light to create the dancing light effect because focus only allows a restricted view. Memory of the view second by second gives the feeling of time but more on that later.
Sounds could probably be classified with layers and generators but that has not been done as yet and anyone with an understanding of sound and perception could tackle this subject and contact us with the results. This would apply to the other senses as well. With the sense of feeling or touch you might have sore feet from you daily labors as you watch your favorite TV program and try to rest. The pain in the feet would be noticeable and then shut off for intervals as you get involved in your program. It may nag you for awhile and your mind will be forced to think of it occasionally but as time wears on you will forget the pain the attribute it’s attrition to your rest. These are basic things that thought is composed of and in review we have learned that we create the detail of what we see within ourselves (the qualifications that keep showing up will be revealed as this stepping stone of knowledge develops into it’s full nature) and the overall collective creation of the world is generated by humans and bound by connectivity of each soul to the next and ultimately to all. Most important is the realization that the mind has the ability to forget and this is of great value and lastly that only a single point if interest or focus is possible at any given second or millisecond.
Namron Soar
Chapter Three Chapter Three Plain INTS The Institute of Non-Theoretical Science Clayarts Featuring; This Week at Grampa’s General Interest Galleries Rebel Real Rufus Contact Namron Soar |
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All Voice Recordings (115 Mp3’s) |